The Problem With Your Fruits and Veggies (important info)

By: Nick Pineault
Creator and Author of The Truth About FatBurning Foods

If we only listened to the mainstream media, we would think the most nutritious foods are fruits and veggies.

I used to believe the same thing... until I had a talk with my older brother Jonathan.

(You could call him "The Farmer Nerd" because he's obsessed about
the science around soils, plants and that kind of stuff.)

Here's what he told me:

"Because agriculture has selected certain genetics to maximize sugar content and resistance to certain pests - all while decreasing the soils' quality with abusive farming practices - most veggies and fruits grown today now contain way less nutrients than 50 years ago."

Shocking, I know.

I did my own research, and it's 110% accurate that fruits and veggies we buy today contain way less nutrients than back in the "good ol' days"...

- One study shows a reduction of 19% calcium, 22% iron, and 14% potassium
- Another study shows a reduction of 38% vitamin B2, and important declines in the amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin C
- Another study shows a reduction of 27% calcium, 37% iron, 21% vitamin A and 30% vitamin C

But wait, it gets worse.

These concerning numbers don't even account the fact that most of your food has to travel thousands of miles around the world before reaching your plate, which decreases the nutrient content further.

And don't get me started on the "fresh" apples at the grocery store...

According to Martin Lindstrom, author of the book "Brandwashed", the average supermarket apple is 14 months old. (That's not a typo, by the way)

Now, the question is... do you get enough nutrients in your diet?

The facts say otherwise...

- 80 to 90% adults in the US don't get enough vitamin D (mainly because of poor sun exposure)
- 34% of men and 27% of women don't get enough vitamin C
- Around 74% of adults don't consume enough iodine -- a problem that has increased by more than fourfold over the past 40 years
- One study sponsored by the National Institutes of Health shows that 68% of Americans are magnesium deficient
- 40% of all adults are deficient in vitamin B12

All these nutrient deficiencies can take a major toll on your health, let me tell you.



And that’s just a fraction of the food truths Nick uncovered in his latest ground-breaking work, The Truth About Fat BurningFoods.

He’s researched over 512 studies to uncover the all the scams food manufacturers pull off behind your back: