Dragon fruit

Have you tried this fruit?

Dragon Fruit Health Benefits:

■Dragon fruit boosts immune system. Dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C and fibers that help provide an overall healthy body.
■Dragon fruit helps in digestion. Because of the richness in fibers, dragon fruit aids in the digestion of food. Studies also suggest that dragon fruit promotes the growth of probiotics.
■Dragon fruit help to lower blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes. Studies also suggest that the glucose found in dragon fruit aids in controlling the blood sugar level for diabetes patients.
■Dragon fruit prevent formation of cancer causing free radicals. Dragon fruit is rich in minerals and fibers that aids in digestion, cleans toxic ingredients thus preventing the occurrence of colon cancer.
■Dragon fruit as anti-oxidant. The presence of high level of vitamin C, minerals and pytoalbumin is regarded as relevant in fighting free radicals and possess anti-oxidant properties.
■Dragon fruit helps to control cholesterol level. Dragon fruit is also rich in flavonoids that are known to have favorable effects against cardio related disease.

Read more about dragon fruit here: http://www.medicalhealthguide.com/articles/dragonfruit-healthbenefits.htm

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